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Cold season looms on the horizon as fall approaches and if you’re like me, you don’t like sniffling, sneezing and feeling less than your best.

Researchers from the University of Wisconsin have been studying how to prevent colds and they came up with a novel, and highly effective, solution.

The scientists recruited a group of 149 people and divided them into three groups. The first group received 8 weeks of meditation training. The second group received 8 weeks of training in moderately intense exercise. The third group received no training and functioned as a control group.

At the end of the study period, the meditation group experienced the fewest days missed from work and had the least severe symptoms. The exercise group also showed marked improvement over the control group. The third group spent about 30% more of their time under the weather.

Over the years, I have tried many types of meditation and found significant benefits from all of them. Mental clarity, a sense of control and increased ability to focus in the midst of very stressful situations were some of the biggest boosts. And I got fewer colds too.

This fall I’m going to meditate as I walk around the neighborhood looking at the changing leaves and I’m going spend less time indoors on the couch curled up with a box of tissues!